domingo, 23 de enero de 2011

Correa lamenta que Nina Pacari tenga que definir el tema de la consulta

Quito (CRE).-

El presidente de la República, Rafael Correa, lamentó que la parte más fuerte del pedido de consulta popular haya recaído en manos de la jueza de la Corte Constitucional (CC), Nina Pacari, quien pertenece al movimiento Pachakutik.
Correa indicó que le preocupa el tratamiento que le dé a las cinco preguntas con las que se busca modificar siete textos de la Constitución de la República.
“Ya hemos visto que Pachakutik se ha manejado en total alianza con la derecha, tratando de boicotear la revolución ciudadana, sin obedecer a sus bases que están con el Gobierno”, expresó durante su enlace ciudadano.
De ahí que, pidió a la ciudadanía estar más atenta que nunca, pues habló incluso de la posibilidad de que se quiera manipular las preguntas de la consulta o descalificarlas para que “no cambie nada en este país y los mismos de siempre sigan lucrando del sistema”.
Pacari deberá analizar el contenido de cinco preguntas que tratan temas como el cambio de los plazos de la caducidad de la prisión preventiva, la aplicación de medidas sustitutivas a la prisión preventiva únicamente para delitos menos graves, la reorganización de las cortes y del Consejo de la Judicatura (CJ).
También deberá decidir si se prohíbe o no que las empresas de comunicación y financieras de carácter nacional tengan participación accionaria fuera del ámbito comunicacional o financiero.
El Primer Mandatario criticó a la oposición por interponerse a la consulta popular, pese a que “ellos fueron los que en ciertos momentos la planteaban”.
“Esta consulta popular fue pedida por la derecha y ahora que les aceptamos el reto se oponen. Creían que nos íbamos a arrugar, pero jamás tendremos miedo al pronunciamiento del pueblo en las urnas”, aclaró en declaraciones reproducidas por Diario El Universo.
Por: Sandra Morán Castillo

Personal Opinion:

I think the respect and tolerance are the most important factors for liderate a little or big group. So in consecuence of this we have to respect the work of the others, is my personal opinion to say that for me the president is doing Nina Pacari´s criterion less assessable because she is for another political party.
We know that we the people, that includes the president, has liberty of expresion; but no because of that we can say everything we think, we have to measure the effect that our opinion has in the people that hear us, specially if  we are a public figure.
In other aspect I believe that if we do a job, we do the best we can and we are in 90% sure that we do our work well and you have strained for doing this work, so why become nervous before knowing the results ?  for do some pressure over the people that has to anlyze your work.
For the last I hope that the Constitucional Court works in a impartially way and think if is suitable for the country answer this questions, I don´t think the work from anybody has to be throw to the trash but we have to see for important aspects.

3 comentarios:

  1. I totally agree, just because another person is from another political party doesn't mean that person its bad. I think that what Correa has said is judging without any supporting evidence and ignorance because we are in an era when we should tolerate each other. Just because you dislike someone doesn't mean you have to talk bad about them, i think that's lack of manners and diplomacy, which a president should have.

  2. i agree with you both bercause the president is the highest figure in ecuador, and becuase of that he i supposed to act as a growman and to treat with respect and tolerance to the other people. a president must also be mature enough to know that the opponents are not wrong, because there are no incorrect opinions but different ones.

  3. Well.. the form, not so good... the content, I would also prefer that somebody who is indepedent will do the revision... (18,5/20)
