In the last months we have heard on several reforms from the laws of the constitution approved in the year 2008, one of these reforms was given in the law of hydrocarbons that was approved last July 26, 2010, this one indicates that the Ecuadorian state will remain with 100 % of the oil and will pay to to the companies a quantity for the given services. But if we have in mind that " The production has gone down in the last four years (…)Its cause is principally, the low production of the companies deprived in the last two years " (Pastor, Wilson), I think that the production will continue going down because this reform are harmful to the petroleum companies that have realized investments in the country for many years; the economic instability of the same one and the lack of guarantees in the laws that govern it.
If the reform proposes that only the given services are paid to the companies and that the same ones cannot use the extracted crude oil, there is no a motivation for the national and foreign enterprises to continue doing their investments. So we as a result that the companies finish the contracts, though it is true that the petroleum companies get a rate for their investments, and the expenses are taken in you count so there is difference between the companies that do a recognition and local study to which it is known as exploration and to the companies that extracts the product since they need a major investment, programming and permissions;though, a minor risk has that the exploration where in some cases they can find oil and in other one not. But if we concentrate on the following information that shows that " The production of the country borders on 480.000 daily barrels of crude oil. 40 % of the oil is extracted by foreign companies " ( this ending of the contracts they would cause a great expenditure for the country and for the companies since it is never going to be possible to recover everything invested in the time that they were extracting oil.
There is another very important factor that is the economic instability that exists in the country if we refer to that " Economic Stability: Situation characterized by the absence of big fluctuations in the level of Revenue and Employment, for the nonexistence of involuntary unemployment and of Underemployment and for the absence of Inflation. ", then we come to the conclusion of that our economy is based only in one product, since we are not self-sufficient, we can´t import any more than we export and if they lower the prices of this product affects on all the social groups and the condition in general what generates an unemployment and an increase in the inflation.But this is not new since along our history always we have based on a specific product since one was giving with the" boom bananero" and the "petroleum boom", nowadays we live through a moment of about four products that lead the exports.
Another point is the lack of solidity of the laws of our country; since we have seen in the months later to the popular consultation that was given to accept the new constitution of the Ecuador, there have been several reforms to the laws that they change radically the sense of the same ones. The reforms are necessary to correct possible mistakes that are seen in the moment of execution of the laws but and if there is an abuse of the same ones? who guarantee the democracy? To the latter question we might answer that our representatives are: first, the president; and later the assemblymen chosen by voting in the urns. But, do we feel represented? If we know that the government has a majority in the assembly and if this one does not pass or seam the laws in a maximum time goes to another organism that almost always approves the law. Now let's see an approach of what is the law, " The law (of the Latin lex, legis) it is a juridical norm dictated by the legislator. That is to say, a rule established by the competent authority, in which it gets about itself or prohibits something in agreement with the justice. His breach brings prepared a sanction. " (, therefore it is not necessary to forget the intention of the law that is to make something for good of the company having in mind the justice that it is necessary to to apply. This is something that worries both the population of Ecuador and the inhabitants of other countries.
After having exposed the ideas previously raised, I came to the conclusion that the production of petroleum will not stop his descent since the factors that are developing this year are not favorable like we already know several petroleum companies have moved back because they have met harmed with this reform to the law, besides it there exists an economic instability that concerns all the sectors of the country and the insecurity that exists on the reforms that could be done to the different laws. But already we will see results beginning for that " January 23, 2011, Petroecuador will export the whole petroleum production of the country " (Maria de la Paz Vela, 17). In my personal opinion, I wish the best thing for the country but I think that the government must considered in a better way the decisions that they will take in future since we must see the limit and not to come to the excess, and focus on " the legal and effective residence of the power of control of a social set is exercised in and for the universality of the citizens " ( then it is necessary to think in everyone at the moment to decide and represent all those who conforms a nation.
Chuta esa man se saco un ILC de economia y lo tradujo... jaja. Congratulations on your very extense article. And its good that you read my aunt Paz's articles in Gestion. jaja. But other than that, I agree with you on the fact that indeed, the government is trying to centralize many services. The problem is that the economical and industrial capacities of it, do no allow this process of centralization. Which I think, it is theoritacally correct, but it has a practical problem, corruption. Other than that, I am utterly convinced that what the government is doing is not a draconian imposition of laws but an intelligent way of bargaining just like they did with the external debt. Or like you do with the lady when you go and buy "chucherias" (nice word ain't it) you say you that they are ugly and that they are not originial and that you are going to pay barely nothing and yet you end paying a reasonable amount. So I guess that is a point you should also keep in mind and not only be so critical with the policies. Because, as explained the class, you are losing the idyllic nature behind every regulation and law. Thank you, hope you do not consider me after this a smartass or a dooshbag. Just a constructive analysis. And you taught me a lesson jaja... el q se pica pierde
ResponderEliminarjajaja literal es un ILC traducido alejo.
ResponderEliminarI totally agree with you, and with you too alejo. Centralizing services may be a problem in some cases, but they would also allow a better management of the oil in our country, which is the basis of our economy.
As you said Maria de Lourdes, the laws in our country lack of solidity.
I give great importance to this fact because I think that investments are really important in an economy, and legal insecurity in our country is a factor that does not allow us to have investments.
Well dear friends thank you for reading, but let me tell you that I am not in Economy class so I don´t do IlC jajaja.. And Alejo may be I criticize because I know a little more how it works that the policies doesn´t work like we expect. And Mery I agree with you in the argument that says that is the basis of our economy but if there´s not a well management of it, the country will dicrease its production and the quality will go down.
ResponderEliminarGood transalted analysis. I understand your point... But then again, a decade ago we were full international oil companies, and we would stay with a minimum percentage of the oil extracted, at a price determined before hand, which ment that if the oil pricez went up, we did not see anythng from that difference.. And the prices went UP... (20/20)